Snapchat adds ‘discover’ feature


The smartphone app Snapchat has been around for quite some time. It is utilized by people from every generation, old and young. It is mostly used to keep in contact with friends and family. It is an app that allows to share both pictures and videos of priceless moments.

Just two days ago, the creators of Snapchat released an update that changed the app in many different ways. Now not only can you keep in contact with the people you’re closest to, but you can also keep up with current news. Whether it’s sports or any other matter, Snapchat will have you covered.

This new feature is called “discover.” It gives you the opportunity to do exactly what the name of the feature says, as if Snapchat couldn’t get any more innovative. A few months back, Snapchat released a feature called Snapcash. The feature lets you literally “snap” or send cash to a Snapchat friend via the app.

This is a feature that has never really been seen before on other social media apps. Snapchat is taking chances and taking social media by storm.