The power of Starbucks


Today was a very strange day for me. Right after leaving class, I was angry, frustrated and anxious. I had dropped my phone and somehow I ended up in Starbucks. I was waiting for my phone to be fixed, so I started looking at news for this blog post.

Suddenly, a man starts talking about the Syrian situation in Europe. He kept repeating how America is letting Syrians down just like it did to the Jews during World War II. Unbelievably, people started to jump in the conversation.  I never seen anything like this before.

It was amazing to see and hear everyone’s opinion about a delicate topic especially when all you are trying to do is just drink coffee.

I thought the conversation was going to end soon, when a passionate Syrian man started to show pictures of his family, migrants waiting for something to happen in Europe.  I couldn’t get a closer look to his camera because, honestly, I wanted to leave the moment more than half of the people inside got in it.

It was like seeing a news report, someone even started to record it along with his face for Snapshat saying “People at Starbucks talking about Syrians, what you only see on South Beach.”

The point of this blog is to show that you can get news everywhere, about anything.

I was just going to Starbucks to sit and wait for my phone and I ended up watching a debate about immigration and the crisis in the Middle East.