Covering sexual assault on campuses


On Saturday night, a possible sexual assault on Florida International University’s West Miami-Dade campus was reported to police. According to police, the two people involved are acquainted with each other and so far, no arrests have been made.

Although sexual assault on college campuses is a significant issue, there is not nearly as much news coverage as there should be.

Last year, FIU had another problem with sexual assault when a repeat offender would touch female students without their consent, then flee the scene on his bicycle. Despite the fact that this offender made students feel unsafe on their own campus, there was barely any news coverage about these incidents.

It is about time that the news media stops reporting on celebrity gossip and starts focusing on the real issues that has become a rising problem in our society. With more coverage on sexual assault and rape, we can reduce the amount of incidents and make campuses a safer place.

If anyone has any information about possible assault on Saturday, please call FIU police at 305-348-2626.