Is the Pope’s coverage necessary?


You are Catholic and you are right; he is worth all the coverage, I mean some coverage.  He is a very important religious icon, but is it necessary to broadcast live how his plane lands in New York?

I am not spreading anti-Catholic ideas or comments, but we are also talking about a human being, the CEO of the Vatican and more than one billion followers, yet a man who takes charge in politics and controversial topics such as immigration.

Many Catholics said during interviews that they believed the Pope’s prayers will help the American government into passing an amnesty for thousands of undocumented immigrants. Others said that the Pope’s blessings will bring peace and solve all the issues in the world. 

At least we could thank the Pope for reminding individuals that today is the 70th anniversary of the United Nations.

There is no doubt that the Pope’s visit deserved coverage, but a 24/7 focus by news media wasn’t necessary, I think.  On a daily basis, the trending news and news around the nation deserve the coverage, and talk about real issues such as: why is Trump raising in the polls, as well as what to do with gun control. I guess the world believes that the Pope will save the day.