Essential smartphone applications ease stress of travel jet lag, talking, packing

Posted October 9, 2013


No matter how long you’ve been traveling, getting ready for a trip never seems to get easier. Especially if you’re traveling in a group, planning and preparing can be stressful and take away from the fun vacation upon which you’re about to embark.

But thankfully, there are apps for that. From packing the essentials to beating jet lag, your smartphone can now help you with just about anything. Here are a few applications that you should download before your next trip.

JetLag Genie

Whenever you’re traveling to another time zone, you’ll have to deal with jet lag. But what if you could beat jet lag before even getting to your destination?

Enter your travel dates, destination and sleeping routine into JetLag Genie and the app will set up alarm clocks that can ease the time zone transition.

“I always find it difficult adjusting to a different time zone,” said Anna Blanco, who travels to Europe at least once a year. “This app has made my life so much easier. I start using it a week before my trip and by the time I’m on that plane, I know I won’t have to take anything to sleep or worry about adjusting too much.”


Data roaming charges can definitely put a damper on staying connected while travelling. All you want to do is send an email to a co-worker or upload pictures to Instagram, but the data necessary to do these tasks is simply ridiculous.

The good news is there’s an app for that: Onavo. The app reduces the amount of data that is usually necessary for tasks like signing onto Facebook or accessing your e-mail. The best part about Onavo is that it won’t cost you anything – literally.


Remember when you were little and you begged your mom for walkie-talkies so you could talk to your neighborhood friends? Well, imagine having these walkie-talkies as an adult and being able to talk to anyone around the world who also has the app. That’s exactly what Voxer has made possible.

Voxer is easily one of the most convenient apps to have while you’re traveling, especially when you’re out of the country. You can send voice messages to your friends like a walkie-talkie, just by pushing a button while you talk; the messages automatically get sent to your friends. You can also send texts and photos or share your location, and users can create a group to share the same message with multiple people.

“While I studied abroad in Spain, my friends and I kept in touch with a Voxer group,” said Kathy Warman, who spent a summer in Barcelona. “It was really useful and I could send my friends pictures the whole time without spending extra on text messaging.”

WiFi is necessary to send and receive messages. Make sure your friends and family members have downloaded the app before you leave as well.

Packing Pro 

Getting a suitcase ready for a trip can be a daunting task, especially if it’s more than just a weekend getaway. You need to fit in toiletries, clothes, shoes (men are lucky enough to not have to deal with heels), electronics and anything else you might need while you’re gone. More often than not, you might find yourself at your travel destination looking for socks or deodorant.

If you’ve ever tried cramming a blow-dryer, two pairs of boots and a straightening iron into an already-packed suitcase, there’s no doubt Packing Pro will become your traveling savior. Just plug in your destination, how long your trip is and who you’re traveling with; Packing Pro will give you a list of what you need. It helps organize the packing process by listing the essentials, everything from your passport and currency to clothes. The app also produces lists for the family members or friends with whom you’re traveling.

“I’m not a very organized person, so Packing Pro has really helped me find an easy way to get ready for a trip,” said Mayra Fernandez, who often travels around the U.S. with her husband. “Having it provide me with a list of things I need and a list of what my husband needs definitely simplifies everything. It makes packing stress-free.”


Hiring a travel agent or a personal assistant can be a bit pricey. Then again, who wouldn’t want a full itinerary done to help organize a vacation? Well, WorldMate does that … for free.

After sending confirmation e-mails for your plans to – anything from a car you hired to hotel bookings or restaurant reservations – the app puts together an itinerary for your trip. The premium version ($9.99) of the app even allows you to stay organized in real time. For example, it can let you know if your flight has been delayed as soon as it happens. It’s a great app for travel management.

    JetLag Genie 

Cost: $2.99
Available for iPhone


Cost: Free
Available for iPhone and Android


Cost: Free
Available for iPhone and Android

Packing Pro

Cost: 99 cents ($2.99 for upgrade
Available for iPhone


Cost: Free
Available for iPhone and Android


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